Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Nail Art

For Christmas we bought Sami this Nail Art book. She loves it. It's pretty cool and it comes with its own polish. The polish is not high quality and peels off right away. Next time we will have real nail polish to use!
There are so many choices in this book that Sami had a hard time deciding which one she was going to use. She couldn't make up her mind and kept going back and forth. Finally I told her she should do the snowmen like I was. By the time she made up her mind I was almost done!

She had to help me paint my left hand! I don't like painting my nails so I am not very good at it!

The finished product! I think we did a good job. It was really nice spending time with Sami. It seems life gets so busy we forget to take out time to just sit and talk and have some silly fun! If we hadn't this time we would not have realized we have the same fingers! Love ya Sam!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas and the 4 legged Crew

I know it isn't Christmas any more but the Happy New Year still applies so Happy New Year from the Wendts and their 4 legged crew!

I wish you a Merry Christmas,

I wish you a Merry Christmas,

We wish you a Merry Christmas

And a Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

snowball express!!!!

I know my last post was a while ago and also about my dogs but today it snowed and was to icy to make it to church so I decided to take the dogs for a short walk. Today was Molly's first experience in the snow and she loved it! She kept eating it and acquired a few snowballs on her legs! She was like a kid in a candy store jumping up and down tail wagging! I hope it snows again tomorrow. So does Sami. She is stuck at her friends house and has already been sledding! I think she is hoping there will be no school tomorrow. I wish I could take Molly sledding! Maybe tomorrow!!!!!!!

Poor baby needs a haircut!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Entertainment...or Pure Boredom?

Is it possible to be so relaxed during a holiday that you are bored? Normally I would answer no to this question but for Shawn, Sami and I it was possible! It was possible to watch to many movies and read our books to much and play on the computer to much; so much to the dogs disadvantage they became our source of free entertainment! Having pets is so much fun! By the way Sami takes full responsibility for this idea...........I wish I had thought of it!

Sami, Molly, Kia, and Moose!

They are such good sports!

Introducing Granny Goose! Yes this really happened right before I took the picture!

Molly is the coolest dog ever! She's like "eehhh what ever mom..."

Mom I think you'll like this picture!

The M & M twins!

Monday, November 24, 2008

I was tagged by Whimsy at the creamery a little more than a few days ago! I am supposed to list 7 random things about myself. A friend recently told me I needed to take more time for myself and I think this might be her way of getting me to do this! So here it goes.....

1.I can't stand clutter. It drives me insane! I feel like screaming! Especially when the house is messy and I need to clean but my kitchen is a disaster. I don't know why but if my kitchen is a mess I can't make myself clean up the rest of the house until it is clean. I feel overwhelmed and end up just sitting there doing nothing. Eventually I convince myself I am going to do the dishes and I gain momentum for the rest of the house!

2.I am not your typical house wife! My poor husband can attest to this. I hate to cook but enjoy an occasional bake fest. Now instead of seriously asking what's for dinner, my husband will ask what I am going to make for dinner and laugh. I am glad he is so good natured about it! I always said I was going to marry a chef! (He really isn't a chef but he is a dang good cook!)

3.Ok this one is a strange one.......I have naturally curly hair. Most of you know this but what you don't know is that the older I get the curlier my hair gets! Even some white hair that is trying to sneak its way in there is curly.

4.I love to read. I always have. I especially enjoy biographies from the 1500, 1600's. Reading is very relaxing. I have read so many books. When I was little and my brother and I were in trouble and grounded to our rooms we would throw our books back and forth between each others room to read. We weren't allowed to talk and our rooms were directly across from one another. I had more books than he did so he was always asking for another one! He must have read my Little House on The Prairie series 5 or 6 times! He'll probably kill me when he reads this! Sorry Geoff but those were the funnest days even though we were in trouble alot!

5.I love to ski. I was introduced to it in junior high. I haven't been able to ski since then and every year I tell husband I want a pair of ski's but he's not listening! Men what are we going to do with them!?!

6.I love snow. I love the snowball fights we used to get into when we were little. I miss tiny snowballs being stuck to the dogs legs and feet and then laughing at the hysterically funny way they walked into the house! I miss trudging up the street to our elementary school hearing the snow crunch under my feet. And I treasure the memories of us sledding down the hills at Sharon Park.

7.My favorite place to be is in the Canyon. It is very peaceful. I love the sights, smells, and sounds. There is a special place called Little Mill Camp Ground. It is in American Fork Canyon in Utah. As a kid every summer was spent there. I remember it taking forever to get everything ready to go. It has a huge rock we named "The sliding Rock" The surface is bumpy yet smooth!. We used to take our old rugs and climb to the top and slide down. Oh Geoff you went through so many pairs of pants! It hurts your bum so bad but the fun out weighs the pain! We have been able to take our kids there once or twice and I am hoping there will be more to come!

So that's a little about me! Now I am supposed to tag 7 other people! So you 7 don't forget to comment on the blogs of those you tag!
  1. Shelley (I know you are busy!)
  2. Jessica
  3. Jeanne
  4. Shawn
  5. Missy
  6. Gary
  7. Keri

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Glass Art

Recently a very nice friend invited me to go to the Museum of Glass in Tacoma. We had not been there before. It was so much fun. Sami missed basketball practice to go with us. Would you believe she told us she'd rather be there at the museum instead of at practice? I nearly fainted! For those of you who know Sami you know basketball is her favorite thing in this world. If you haven't been there I recommend you go. Here are some pictures......Angela I hope you don't mind that I posted a picture of the Wes Man! He enjoyed all the different colors around the gallery.

Angela you are so much fun!

The Wes Man! I love his beautiful blue eyes!

Every few weeks the museum has special artists come and work in the "Hot Shop". On the day we went to the museum the artist Birtil Vallien from Sweden was visiting. Birtil Vallien has been the worlds leading glass art artist since the 1960's and also the first artist to apply sandcasting to glass. He is known for his glass boats that are displayed in many museums in the U.S. Japan and Europe.

We watched as they poured the melted glass into a mold that would later become one of his famous Janus Head Sculptures. I could have sat in there all day and not gotten bored!

This is the inside of the Hot Shop. I love the architecture.

This is the Chihuly Bridge of Glass. It's connected to the museum. It is a 500 ft. long pedestrian bridge that links the museum to downtown Tacoma. The artist Chihuly headed the design and construction of the bridge. It holds many glass sculptures he has created. It was the coolest thing I have ever seen! Sami's eyes got so big when she saw the sculptures! The one she is looking at in this picture was one of her favorite.

I like these sculptures because they look like giant rocks!

The person standing in the middle of them isn't so bad either!

The glass is so beautiful.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Is her name "Sami" or Chatty Cathy"?

We had a parent teacher conference with Sami's teacher last Friday. She said the kids gravitate toward Sami. Her teacher also told us she was going to move the student’s desks around again. Again is an understatement! I told her Sami keeps coming home and telling us she got moved again. I ask her if she was talking too much. She always tells us not that much! Yeah right! Teacher says she is chatty! She says everywhere she moves Sami there are friends at the new table! I think she is getting frustrated and she doesn't know where to put Sami so no one will talk to her! Sami says sometimes she tries to ignore them but they keep talking to her and she gets in trouble! Where does she get this from!?! I am not a talker. Shawn isn't either! It made me laugh. I was also relieved. I have been worried she was spending time at school with only her best friend and not socializing with others. Boy was I wrong!

That is my funny story for the week! How about you?

Halloween 2008

Shawn and I didn't do much for Halloween because Sami wasn't home! I swear when she is a teenager we may never see her! As long as she is having fun I don't mind. Here are some belated Halloween pictures. I didn't get as many as I usually do. A couple of them Sami took herself at her best friends birthday/Halloween party.

We had a good time together picking out her costume. It will serve 2 purposes. For Halloween and later in the year at her schools Soc Hop! Last year at the Soc Hop she didn't dress up so when we found this costume she was really happy.

Having fun at the ward Halloween Party.

After she got home from the ward Halloween party she wanted to show me what she had in her bag. This is her trying to look scary!I love this picture. She is so funny! The spider looks real doesn't it?

Sami took these next pictures of her and her and two best friends being covered in their Halloween loot!

Alexis and Christabella


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Is it Big Foot? No .....It is Miss's Big Toe.......

You know when your kids tell you things and they are completely serious while they are talking to you but over the course of the conversation you realize what you thought they were going to say was something totally different? Sami stayed home(well stayed at Grami's) from school today because she has been coughing alot the last couple of days. She called me to say good morning and this was the conversation we had over the phone.

Sami: "Mom there is something going on with my foot."

Mom: "What's wrong with it?"

Sami: "My second toe is bigger than my big toe."

Mom: "hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah"

Sami: "what does it mean?"

Mom: "I don't know what do you think it means?"

Sami: "I don't know... is there something wrong with me?"

Mom: "Maybe you are an alien! Hahahahhah"

Sami: "I am not an alien."

Sami: "Well.....dad did tell me I had a cone head when I was born....."

Mom: "Hahahhahahhahh! Can I call you Miss's Big Toe now?"

Sami: "Hahahhahahhahhh!"

Friday, October 24, 2008

Hidden Treasures

A couple of days ago I had a bus trip scheduled to take my seniors to Costco. Normally I am supposed to cancel the trip if less than 5 people show up. This day only 4 came so I was very excited at the prospect of not having to go. I was so tired that day. Sometimes when I get that tired I don't want to drive them but in the end I can't bear to tell them no and always end up taking them anyway! On this day I am glad I did. Who knew a grocery store parking lot was so beautiful! Can you imagine what we miss when we don't slow down enough to see beyond the surface of things? It can be as simple as a kind word or even a smile! All those hidden treasures are out there waiting to be discovered. What hidden treasure have you found this week?

I thought this rock was so beautiful. I like the shape of it

If you walk just past the tree in the picture above you come to this hidden forest! . I was so excited when I found it. A perfect place to sit and read my book.
The only problem was I was reading the end of "New Moon" and it was scary sitting
there by myself! I had to get up after a while and sit out under the trees by my bus!
Next time I won't take a suspenseful book to read and it will be more relaxing

The trail is not very long. It just goes up the side of Costco and it's parking lot.

This part was so pretty and untouched that I did not go past and disturb it.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Working Late, Or Are We?

On Saturday we had planned to visit a beach but a certain someone fell asleep again! (You know who you are!) So instead we made a late night trip to Shawn's office. We had a good time. I am happy now for the change of plans. Although is was kind of scary being the only ones there in the dark. Shawn wanted to see what I would look like wearing his hard hat so he took ( yes he actually took a picture of me!!!) this picture of Sami and I messing around with his plans! I love this picture! We had so much fun. Who knew a boring office could be so much fun! (I only say it is boring because I don't understand a lot of it!) Check out Sami's expression!!!

Shawn's reflective vest really works!!!

I love how her eyes sparkle in this picture. You can tell she is having a good time.
I took this picture because Sami's hair is all outa whack! She is really happy. Really! She would someday like to become an actess!

Maybe Shawn wants to become an actor too!