Sunday, March 7, 2010


For the past couple of years I have been trying to teach Sami that she is becoming a young lady and that younger girls will start to look up to her.  I have told her that they will watch her actions and listen to what she has to say.  I stressed the importance of being a good example and today it happened! During Fast and Testamony Meeting she decided she was going to bare her testamony.  I can't even remember the last time she did this it was so long ago.  Right after she finished a little girl in the ward that just was baptized got up.  Later her mom came up to Sami and thanked her for getting up and said her daughter was scared to until she saw Sami up there.  How AWESOME is that!!!?!!!  I am so proud of her. I love her so much.


Rose said...

Yay Sami! That's awesome that she's able to be a positive role model!

angelalois said...

I cannot tell you how BUMMED I AM that I missed it. We were visiting family out of town. Sami is totally amazing, a superstar. And she has great parents that teach her so well.

Heidi said...

aww that is sweet guys. Thanks!