This was easier to instate than I thought it would be! There were no tears, no arguments, no pouty faces until I suggested more time for some of these..................
I am the only one in the house who enjoys reading. It is so relaxing. I tell Sami it's just like watching t.v. only the images you make up in your head.
We have also decided to start having family game night. We all love to play board games. A couple of nights ago Sami's best friend slept over and the 4 of us played Uno. It was so much fun. The 2 girls and I ganged up on Shawn and he never won a single hand! Poor Shawn is always so outnumbered! He is a good sport.
We bought a very inexpensive temporary kitchen table until after summer vacation when we can afford a nicer one. Last night was the first night the 3 of us had sat down at our own dinner table since Sami was born. It was nice to have an actual conversation over dinner with my family instead of with the television.
I am looking forward to spending real quality time with my family. And also of kicking Shawn's but at uno again on game night!